Ciao make up addicted!
il Veglione si avvicina e tutte abbiamo deciso, chi più chi less, how to dress for the evening.
I have also decided to wear make-up, which will aim at the majority of my look, as the first event will take place at home and then wandering around the premises of the Capital.
My clothing is sure to be comfortable and cool in all black (which is never wrong) but I focused on accessories and make-up sexy.
Tutorials Lisa Eldridge (I leave the video below ***) has certainly helped in the choice that was in doubt after the thousands of videos viewed in these days and even after thinking about the type of event is not particularly fashionable, even though I opted to replace the pink lipstick shocking con una tinta per labbra rossa, quindi a lunga tenuta ed a prova di cena e baci (taaaaanti baci... hihihi)...
1-Applicherò una base uniformante-levigante di Bottega Verde che assicurerà al viso un aspetto fresco e luminoso fino a mattina, seguita dal mio ADORATO fondotinta Make Up Forever.
Le guance saranno leggermente rosate per un effetto Bonne Mine; niente contouring con il bronzer.
2-Il rossetto è il numero 10 R osso Cremisi Double touch the collection of Kiko, secured by a specific stretch of red-toned pencil , thus blocking any burrs, although I do not ever happened to the entry in the wrinkles of the lips.
During the evening I can touch up a coat of clear gloss to brighten your smile.
The 3- eyes will have a neutral effect, delineated by a very light beige (the first starting from the left) on the upper eyelid and shaded brown / bronze on the eyelid crease ( last color), all of AV ON (if you're interested Hostess products are: you can contact me by writing an email to this address or join the Facebook page "Hostess Avon Vicenza - Sale throughout Italy" ). For my personal experience the make-up brand is offered by this medium / high strength with good value for money ... and not just because I sell them!
apply the false eyelashes Kiko Natural 02 to emphasize the outer corner of eye gaze and conclude with a sinuous line black eyeliner (gel liner ELF) Review with black eye shadow / shimmer to soften the edges (10 color palette NYX, col. Jazz Night).
One trick that can be matched all'abitino black for the disco or the local as well as for a more "comfortable" in jeans and a sweater, but it is suitable for all ages. For adolescents suggest you try with a sparkling cyclamen and leave the fake eyelashes in the drawer), while for the "older" to remedy with a mauve (very popular this year) or a shade it is, however, less on and vamp red.
*** This is the tutorial by Lisa Eldrige that I recommend to all to watch!
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