Saturday, December 4, 2010

Paper Towel Strongest Science Fair Project

Dr. Hauschka Skin Care: a present for my skin! The trick

In collaboration with Temptation Make -up

I think of this review for several months, but I wanted first to test this in detail product line, to guarantee to you friends to read an opinion that comes from months of application and reflection.

in February were "victims" (pass me the exaggeration! Ed) of a fungus on the face, infettatomi-probably-in a spa. My skin, which has always been very dry, but even removing blemishes during puberty, is completely crazy. Do not exasperating the situation, but believe me, I was desperate!

I had very painful rash, the only touch of the skin causes pain and could not find an effective remedy. In hindsight, I think probably the continuous change of cleaning products, has further aggravated my condition.

In April came the turning point!

very good beautician known to a party at a friend's house, gave me the antidote to my problem: the Dr. Hauschka products. I had never heard of them but I was told that they would bore fruit in a short.

The next day I run into a pharmacy specializing omprare for the complete kit: a blow to the wallet! The beautician had made me understand that they were uneconomical, but the principles INCI active and present on the box I was convinced the investment. What could I lose?

The concept of cosmetic products for this house is something special and are only used natural products in full respect of our skin. I'm not totally aggressive and work in depth to allow only one aspect but not a real healthy skin.

I immediately started treatment with my morning-evening instruction sheet hung on the bathroom mirror: at the beginning of the proceedings are long and painstaking, as well as outside the norms of the normal skin care. Now I use it for months is all "mechanical"!


  • cleaning / massage with warm water and Cleansing Cream (ca. 14 €, 50 ml, duration: 2 months) , a basic treatment to cleanse and brighten. Contains extracts of almond and herbs selected, designed to maintain the natural hydro-film Pilic skin. Designed for all skin types, it only takes an inch on the back of the hand to apply on wet face, rubbing with slight movements. A look at seems to be an exfoliant because there are pieces of mandorla, ma evitate assolutamente di “strofinare” il prodotto: non è così che verrà assorbito dalla pelle, anzi, diventereste rosse come pomodori! Per stenderla usate la tecnica “press and roll” (consiglio il canale YT!)

  • Risciacquo con abbondante acqua tiepida ed ultimo con fredda per chiudere i pori;

  • Il tonico è il passo successivo, grazie alla Lozione Speciale per il viso (ca 24€, 100 ml, durata 5 mesi), per pelli con pori dilatati e particolarmente sensibili. E' a base di estratti di piante officinali come antillide, calendula, witch hazel and tropeolo whose work extremely synergistic effect on balancing the skin.

    The lotion should be buffered with the palm of the hand all over her face and left to dry. As with all other products, all they need is really very little.

  • Step follows: Oil Facial (approx € 24.90, 30ml, 8 months and beyond!). The product that most of all I had created confusion: the application of two drops was just on the most impure of the face to act and interact to get the treatment effects, could not see how a fatty oil act on the pimples and worse, I feared he had only made things worse. I was wrong!

    E 'designed as a cosmetic for skin hygiene and contains antillide, calendula and hypericum. It dries quickly and its beneficial effect was not made to wait ...

    Create a great barrier to the summer heat and winter cold, repairing the skin from external aggression.

  • Last step, dry or oil mixed together, a thin layer of cream to Quince (approx € 20.10, 30ml, duration: 2 months) is refreshing and support to the skin. And 'all natural and contains moisturisers, precious oils, waxes and essential oils extracted from medicinal plants. It makes the skin smooth and soft all day, away from all environmental conditions.


  • Strucco makeup with a standard product (possibly without dyes, fragrances and parabens as not to interfere dr. Hauschka!)

  • well I clean my skin with the cleansing cream used the morning and in the same way that, over time, became the face for a cuddle;

  • Pass the special lotions for the face and let dry.

Stop! The night the cells reproduce naturally and Hauschka does not want to put a layer of cream that can clog pores, so do not need anything else ...

Once a week or necessity:

  • Maschera Purificante per il Viso (1 bustina, ca 2,35€, 1 applicazione) che lavora benissimo sulla pelle grazie all'argilla in essa contenuta. Io la utilizzo quando sento che il viso è stressato, o in prossimità del ciclo mestruale, momento cruciale in cui compaiono imperfezioni o rossori. E' veloce, priva di controindicazioni e può essere usata anche su pelli sensibili o con couperose perché non aggredisce.

In conclusione, posso solo CONSIGLIARE a tutte questa linea cosmetica e curativa. Il prezzo iniziale è alto, è vero, ma non è necessario acquistare tutto per partire. Io avevo un grattacapo grave e doloroso che mi ha costretta! Per partire e provare gli effetti benefici, potete prendere semplicemente la crema detergente ed il tonico, che permetteranno risultati soddisfacenti. Piano-piano li potrete integrare col pezzo che vi si addice maggiormente. Ogni prodotto è molto concentrato e la durata è lunghissima.

Dimenticavo: il mio problema è sparito in poco meno di un mese, definitivamente, la pelle ora è luminosa, sana, i pori si sono ristretti e credo che non cambierò mai prodotti. Ho provato a utilizzare qualcosa di più economico, ma il viso piano piano ha perso di tonicità e luce, ritornando quasi subito sui miei passi.

E' un'azienda molto seria sotto l'ala di Weleda, che tutte conosciamo.

***Vi consiglio di guardare il loro canale You Tube dove vengono spiegate le mosse giuste per la detersione del viso:

Un'immagine del mio viso poco dopo aver iniziato la cura, a febbraio, dove porto ancora evidenti segni dell'infezione:

And a picture without makeup after benefiting Hauschka products:

I hope this review can be useful to many girls, especially those (and there are many) who exaggerate with makeup and concealers to mask skin too much damage and attacked by foodstuffs unfit.

remember that a good trick from the first part of a healthy skin!

Drink plenty of water and mangiare frutta e verdura ci aiutano, ma perdono l'effetto benefico se poi usiamo cosmetici di scarsa qualità od occludiamo la pelle con strati di fondotinta.

Aspetto i vostri commenti!



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