Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Graves Disease Radioactive Iodine

Italy I would

great turmoil in recent days.
You already know how I feel.
And I think we deserve a better Italy.
And because it's Christmas ... I wish that Santa would bring me an Italy different.

Dear Santa,
I do not know whether or not I love my country.
I do not know, because there are too many things that are not.
I do not know if my daughters will have a future here.
I do not know if we'll go.
However, given that tomorrow night is your night, and since it is rumored that you can make i desideri... be'.... vedi cosa puoi fare.

Vorrei un'Italia in cui la scuola pubblica fosse di tutti. E che garantisse opportunità a tutti.
Nell'Italia che vorrei gli insegnanti che fanno questo mestiere "perché vedrai alla fine del mese che anche se non ti va, 'sto mestiere te lo fai piacere", o che accettano il sostegno "così ti fa punteggio", fossero mandati ad asfaltare le strade.
Nell'Italia che vorrei quando si è malati si dovrebbero avere cure di qualità, indipendentemente se sei a Milano, a Napoli, a Lecce o a Cagliari.
Nell'Italia che vorrei i disonesti, i truffatori, gli imbroglioni dovrebbero stare in un posto solo: in galera.
in the Italian that I wish, I wish the family had really helped. Public kindergartens, parenting support, tax incentives for baby-sitting, adequate infrastructure.
in the Italian that I wish, I wish you would not entrust a saint if you send your child in a nursery because you're afraid that it mistreated.
in the Italian would not exist I would like SUVs, the Hummer would not exist (what the fuck do you do the hummer?), Do not exist in the park that uncivilized triple line "is a long moment."
in the Italian that I wish, I wish that "the moments" of all, were important in the same way.
I would like in the Italian who escapes the treasury should not pay lower taxes for the "return of capital" because I do not see why I have to pay all the balls on my entire salary, and billionaires should be facilitated in processing tax.
I would like in the Italian who pretends to be ill, who falsify applications for disability, who jokes about health, should be forced to five years of volunteer work in pediatric oncology. Then they talk about it.
I would like in the Italian justice must be equal for all.
who protest peacefully in the Italian that I should not in any way be compared to criminals, known or not, which are devastating.
in the Italian that I wish, I wish I could have another child without everyone felt entitled to judge.
in the Italian that I wish, I wish that the culture was one of the primary goods.
in the Italian that I would like the CEOs leading factories abroad "because it costs less" (but do you value the work and life, you?) I would like to spend some Christmas "where it costs less." I know, home to some workers laid off.
in the Italian that I wish, I wish that satire and irony were recognized as health indicator of the political class: less satirical, more complaints, more speed.
in the Italian that I would like, we would do more than enough experience of dictatorship.
in the Italian I would, I wish my grandfather E. was recognized hero, for surviving the field, for having brought up a family, and by maintaining a lightness that is increasingly remote.
I would like in the Italian, the food quality and zero km should have the right value and price, and pay 6 € / kg of lettuce in Mozambique, where the manufacturer paid half a banana and mango.
I would like in the Italian, the network would be free to all, and would like the Parisian bistro in which ideas circulated at large.
I would like in the Italian who has the house in the mountains, countryside, seaside, who has a cleaning lady, who has three cars and one that costs less worth 50 thousand euro, and complains, were punished by Montezuma.
I would like in the Italian who evades taxes, those who rent out in black, who does not issue an invoice, who always looks for a loophole or a thousand excuses so that it always ends the "good blood volume", should pay the fines that are entitled to.
in the Italian that I, precarious would be fought, and the government would be on the side of the city, not the CEOs of the above.
in the Italian that I wish, I wish my friends graduated with good grades, studying, struggling, I would like not to take € 500 per month, at best, working 7 days out of 7, sometimes even at night.

Dear Father, you say it too?
So, please, at least make me lose weight. :-)

And you, who would you like Italy? Try to make a jump from Bismama and MammaFelice , there may be a surprise :-)


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