Have you ever?
Go to the post and be surprised velocità di scorrimento della fila e della competenza dell'impiegato.
Andate in comune e trovate una persona gentile, preparata e disponibile.
Andate alla riunione della scuola dell'infanzia a cui iscriverete la vostra primogenita e vi stupite per strutture, offerta didattica e beni a disposizione.
Vi stupite del corso di inglese cantato.
Vi stupite del corso di lettura.
Vi stupite della sala di psicomotricità.
Vi stupite del laboratorio.
Vi stupite per la quantità di attività: dalla "castagnata" con gli alpini, all'uscita con il vigile per un minicorso di educazione stradale. Dall'educazione ambientale a the food. Strange concerning the choice of representing the emotions we all feel, even less pleasant, with costumes, storytelling and games.
marvel in the amount of materials: pencils, markers, nails, glue, crepe paper ...
marvel in the new classrooms and that "smell" of school.
marvel in the competence of teachers and their availability.
you wonder that n on teachers, not just a role.
not be surprised that you are asked to bring toilet paper, chalk, crayons.
When it happens that one wonders why in front of the efficiency of public goods (schools, hospitals, municipal offices) have to ask where the state is going.
And you also wonder why a prime minister, instead of worrying about why some public schools have no toilet paper in some hospitals lack the beds, some municipal offices have shorter hours for basic services, prefer to go their evenings or revels in the power of attorney we will clarify the nature, or phone to transmissions for the sole purpose of insulting people he leads.
Honestly, I would stop to amaze me, for better or for worse.
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