Sunday, February 6, 2011

Inside Of Sailor Jerry Bottle

rhymes with ... seduction!

addicted Hello Makeup!

The cold and the dark colors of winter are about to leave space for the lively and colorful spring, as always, gives to all of us want of change, and gaiety.

shows views from around the world, it seems that the "must " trick of the season for both the sensuality 'ROCK' N ROLL played in the foreground on the eyes, lips, naked and well-sculpted face with the contouring, a little 'style or Avril Lavigne Kirsten Stewart ...

Here, then, a few simple guidelines to achieve a good result:

1. Highlight eyes with a pencil, preferably di colore nero o grigio scuro (all'interno dell'occhio, sotto e sopra);

2. Applicate un ombretto scurissimo 'smokey', appunto, intorno agli occhi riprendendo la riga che avete tracciato con la matita, in modo abbastanza irregolare per dare un aspetto di "mi sono appena alzata dal letto dopo un concerto..." ;)

3. Incurvate le ciglia con il piegaciglia e applicate con generosità del mascara su tutta la lunghezza delle ciglia;

4. Disegnate le sopracciglia in modo naturale e senza farle troppo scure (devono essere soprattutto curate);

5. Per le guance non usate del fard ma due prodotti: un bronzer (un prodotto Compact and creamy) and a mineral powder to create a clearer light and shadow to emphasize the face;

6. cheekbones and eyebrows applied under a 'highlighter' in the closest color to your complexion;

7. Choose a lipstick in shades pretty clear orange-brown and speckled the product with fingertips to his lips.

The effect will definitely sexy and very, very rocker!
... have fun ...


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