Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why Does My New Carpet Smell

Measuring Science areofagia

A group of Argentine researchers are studying the amount of gas emitted by cows. They created a "backpack" that swells through their flatulence. So you can measure the amount emitted gas and the environmental impact. You will then know what the cows contribute to the greenhouse effect ...
In future maybe you can use these tanks as fuel for cars to natural gas or to heat their homes!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Frozen Yogurt Machine

pick-up lines

I Wish I Was Adenine know I can be paired with U!

Or to be more precise: I wish I was an adenine in an RNA molecule that does exhibit double stranded regions (eg tRNA), then I COULD pair with 'U'

If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase...that way I could unzip your genes.

If I were a nucleic acid, I would be RNA. That way, I could have U!

You're so hot you denature my proteins.

I Wish I Were Your Derivative So I Could Lie Tangent To Your Curves!

...and if these pick-up lines don't can always thank Carbon-14: at least you still date!

And if you want to turn turn down these whacky scientists you can always reply: "I've met cells which were more competent than you."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Westcoast Choppers For Sale

Love in a cotton swab

Le avete provate all? The classic matches in the dark, the speed-dating dating agencies online and on the road but you are still single? Quiet until February 14, 2009 Scientific Match offers lifetime membership to 50% ($ 995 instead of 1995.95).
Inspired by the now famous tests of sweaty T-shirt where a scholar of women subjected to some sweaty T-shirts carried by several men for three long days and the woman had to choose the shirt smell more sexy! Subsequent analysis revealed that the odor that attracted the most was the one with the person with the genes for the MHC (major histocompatibility complex) more divergent. Worry you will not have to shell out $ 995 for vedervi recapitare a campionario di magliette sudate bensì vi inviano un cotton-fioc su cui dovrete sputarci sopra (in modo del tutto simile a quello che vi inviano dalla 23andme ). La Scientific Match ‘colleziona’ i campioni di DNA dai clienti e vi cerca un partner, analizzando fra le alter cose la divergenza dei vostri MHC! Il metodo si selezione del partner non si limita all’analisi del codice genetico ma anche ad alcune domande di tipo psicologico e controlla altri fattori che potrebbero influenzare quail la fedina penale e se è in bancarotta. Le promesse del sito internet sono degne di campagna elettorale: da meno corna a più orgasmi passando attraverso una vita sessuale più gratificante in generale e delle ‘naturali fragrances of the body of your partners' most pleasant and an increase in fertility. And if that were not enough children even more healthy!
Scientific Match promises a high level of privacy, not all the DNA sequence but only a few immune genes and genetic information, however, is so top secret that not even the user can see it! As the site says: 'your genetic privacy is more vulnerable when you go to cut his hair or drink a glass at a restaurant!'
Currently this service is mainly aimed at homosexuals but also heterosexual couples are welcome. Women who take the pill but can not participate because the oral contraceptive mimics the symptoms of pregnancy, leading to prefer people with similar DNA, as their families. We see now that the courtship is done through a "bunch" of cotton buds and not with a bouquet of roses. The romantic vision of love with these sites will disappear altogether! Finding a partner is not easy and there are no scientific rules that let us find. There are many aspects involved besides the differences in certain genes (such as cultural, emotional, unconscious) in short, is a thing of "stomach" that the double helix! Although 52 years by Watson and Crick solved the structure of DNA announced that they have discovered the secret of life are not simple, however, be governed only from about 30,000 genes and we have to accept that as much has "written" in this long not all the polymer is ... and what is lacking are the very spicy!
Scientific Match

Friday, May 16, 2008

Dead Or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball Rom

The death of a work of art

Not all works of art came at the end of the exhibition Design and the Elastic Mind held from February 4 to May 12 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
In fact, the opera "victimless Leather, a small jacket made from mouse embryonic stem cells, the nutrients have been removed because it was growing too fast! Artists Oron Catts and Zurr Ionat tell how their work was fed by a tube but having grown up too hastily clogged his apparatus of incubation only five weeks of the installation!
However, the exhibition organized by Paola Antonelli, has found great success (click here to read the reviews). Of particular interest, as stated in the site, the Design for Debate a new practice that devises ways to discuss the social, cultural and ethical issues of emerging technologies by presenting scenarios not only artifacts but also questions that accompany them. These porgetti blatantly put human beings at the center of the universe and search for a consideration of scientific and technological progress while respecting and preserving our essence as individuals.

No doubt a show rich and interesting, and innovative. It is just bitter and disillusioned, another example of brain drain from our country: Paola Antonelli, it is Italian.

The Tissue Culture and Art Project

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Graduation Centerpieces Homemade

Pierre. 25. One problem: the balding. Coffee

Pierre is an African penguin who lives in america. 25 years old and is losing all their feathers. Only that without feathers can not dive because the plumage waterproof protection from the cold waters.
A marine biologist, Pam Schaller, Academy of Science of the San Francisco built a wetsuit to protect him from the cold. It 's so returned to wallow in water and resumed eating.

The Independent

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hot To Shrink A Cardigan

biologically treated

should increasingly popular foods and drinks and extravagant luxury. For true coffee lovers in London are selling well for £ 8 / € 12) the Kopi Luwak made with coffee beans harvested from the droppings of Paradoxurus hermaphroditus , a sort of raccoon who lives nelel Asian forests. Apparently the taste of this bitter cup loses, not only for the high cost, but also because of the metabolism of this animal: its gastric juices contiengono an enzyme that degrades proteins on the cuticle of the grain that give the characteristic bitter taste.
Once the animal chooses the best beans and ripe to perfection, eats them, digests them, expelled them, are collected, washed (and also could have an interesting taste if this step was omitted), roasted, ground and served ! But
about € 500 a kilo can increase coming to pay £ 50 (about € 80) for one poor cup of Kopi Luwak coffee if is mixed with Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee to give Rare!

How To Watch Shows On External Harddrive To Tv?

The first American fighter

Until a few years ago it was agreed that Clovis, who lived 13,200 years ago, were the first Americans. But there are other clues and evidence, that in reality some men (and woman) hung around for the Americas for a while. Eske Willerslev, University of Copenhagen, and six colleagues have found fossilized human feces in a cave in Oregon. Thanks to the analysis of radioactive carbon that these droppings were well cagati 14.300 years ago! About 1000 years before the birth of culutra Clovis!
Who were the first since the Yankees? Analysis of mitochondrial DNA extracted from faeces was that these people belonged to the haplogroups A2 and B2 (2 of 5 found in the indigenous people of America, both present as well as in Siberia).

Science doi: 10.1126/science.1154116 (2008)
Nature (2008) Volume 452 Number 7188 p. 668

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Polaroid Camera Spectra System Battery


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Can Retin-a Cause Blepharitis?

neuron Bang-Bang

Bubba Ludwig has a gun license in Illinois. Nothing unusual except that it has only 10 months!! The father paid the $ 5 and filled out the application of firearms daa reporting of birth, height (68 cm) and weight (9 kg) of the babe and the place of signature is a scribble. The request was accepted! Apparently the question is to avoid selling weapons to violent individuals with a criminal record, by searching the database, where it obviously is not un'infante! The child thus has il porto d'armi! Il padre ha dichiarato di aver compilato il modulo convinto che non glielo avrebbero rifiutato!

Post Kawasaki Seizures

Wash and iron all underwater

GAV, erogatore, bombola, asso e ferro da stiro (oltre alle camicie da stirare) è l'equippagiamento che 72 sub australiani hanno portato a 3 metri di profondità nel porto di Melbourne. E' la nuova moda che viene dall'autuno australe: extreme ironing , che consiste nel stirare le camicie in luoghi estremi come per esempio sott'acqua! Secondo il sito internet sarebbe 'l'ultimo sport pericoloso che unisce le emozioni di un'attività esterna estrema con la soddisfazione di una camicia bene stirata'.
These 72 subalinghi aspire to Guinness World Records: The more people that have assembled underwater ironing (of course the wires have been removed from the iron!)
This extreme ironing apparently it is very fashionable: other if ironed shirts on the top of the mountain!
be, but for me it's just extreme ironing at home!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where To Get Weider Pro265 Exercise Chart

April 2 - the day of Blog Action

April 2, 2008 For political parties, Italian politicians, the media, citizenship throughout

This letter comes from a collective effort of Italian citizens of the Net, which were compared in a practical and profitable using the means offered by social networks and from a common approach and shared, irrespective of one's political persuasion, to be active in the current political and socioculturale.Vogliamo attention of our government, independent media and institutions to those who should be the main objectives of a civil policy, and ethics based on the common good.

The protection of constitutional values \u200b\u200bof our country: the secular state, the right to work and safety at work right choice for your health and protection of the same for all, free information, pluralistic and based on interactions.
The fulfillment of the mandate for the election quale si viene eletti e del quale i cittadini elettori sono costantemente giudici. Tale adempimento dovrebbe rappresentare una condizione minima, senza la quale “fare politica” diventa semplicemente un modo per raggiungere obiettivi personali e di potere.
La risoluzione di emergenze sociali, tra cui (ne citiamo solo alcune): impatto ambientale dei rifiuti; sistema della Sanità; aiuti alle famiglie e tutela della maternità, attraverso sussidi e asili nido in numero sufficiente; sistema dell’Istruzione e della scuola e scollamento tra questo e il mondo del lavoro; precarietà diffusa e formalizzazione del salario minimo legale.
L’attuazione di riforme politiche non più procrastinabili, quali: l’immediata resolution of conflict of interest, a serious reform of the electoral system to prevent the nomination from members of parliament through an indication of their preference on the board, the decision on eligibility of non-citizens, if convicted criminals, or first and which in the final pretrial.

We believe that in politics, in the etymological sense of the word, more noble, involving primarily provide an example of ethical, cultural and seriousness of the citizens who govern, and that is a role not to be squandered on unnecessary litigation and vulgar, racist, physical aggression, these behaviors deplete all or in a domestic context to the nation, both with respect all’immagine che essa deve offrire al resto del mondo.

Dal momento che Voi siete chiamati a rappresentarci, dovreste porvi come portavoce di coloro che vivono la realtà quotidiana e trasmettono le sue problematiche concrete.

Pretendiamo che la politica torni a essere un servizio alla collettività e che nel fare questo rispetti alcuni precisi standard di correttezza, buona educazione civica, coerenza e chiarezza.

Noi non siamo solo numeri.
Non vogliamo assistere impotenti alla banalizzazione delle parole che non si trasformano in fatti coerenti e responsabili.
Noi siamo quelli che votano. Quelli che scelgono. Quelli che criticano. Quelli che domandano. Quelli che giudicano.

Noi siamo those that you must answer of your work, every day, at any time.
implement a tight control on the actions of the next Parliament and give wide coverage on our blog of what good and evil will be done.

We can criticize the information to assess the implementation of the election, to proceed on the facts and not on promises and fairy tales.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lyrica - Side Effects

Blueprints For A Bow Rack

Love spring

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cube Field Facebook Hack

Stop the clash of civilization

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Decaf Lapsang Souchong

utopian ideas

Today on the plane an American has put up a conversation with the hostess to which a direct and bold Gliha asked for those who voted (to the American primary elections). He gave his answer and then he added, but thought that the whole world should vote for U.S. President, given the weight of the decisions.
Leaving aside the political, economic, social and nationalistic, not at all a bad idea! Maybe the vote of a foreigner could be worth half or one quarter of that of an American.